Employee Leave System Guide


The Employee Leave System is an essential tool for efficiently managing leave requests within an organization. It streamlines the leave application, approval, and tracking process, reducing manual work and ensuring transparency. Employees can submit leave requests online by selecting the leave type, dates, and reason. The system allows managers to review, approve, or reject requests quickly. Additionally, HR can monitor leave balances and generate reports for better workforce planning. Employees can also generate reports of their leave records in PDF format for easy reference. Automated notifications keep employees informed about their leave status. This system improves efficiency, minimizes errors, and ensures a smooth leave management process for both employees and administrators.

Login Process:

Dashboard Overview:


Dashboard Overview


Details Icon:

This icon is on the left side of dashboard in employee tab, it is pre-selected option. In this option admin can see list of all employee. If admin wants to see the details of a specific employee he has to select the name of the employee.

Employee Details

List Icon:

This is second option in employee tab. When admin select this option, he can see basic information (employee id, Name, Mobile, joining Date, designation) of all the employees in the company. Admin also have right to modify in the following fields:

  1. Mobile
  2. Joining Date
  3. Designation
Employee List

Login as an Employee:

In the Details Icon option, first of all employee has to click on new button and then he has to fill all the details about him that are mentioned, e.g., first name, last name, address, email, mobile, etc.

  • Email format: The format of email must be like name@gmail.com any other format is not accepted by the system.
  • NTN Number constraints: This input field accept maximum nine numbers only integers are allowed.
  • Date Of Birth: Employee has to enter his right date of birth. The date of birth must be less than the date of joining otherwise an error occurs.
  • Date Of Birth format: The format of date of birth is always like month/date/year. Otherwise an error occurs.
  • Date Of Joining: Employee has to enter the date at which he joins the company. Date of joining must be greater than the date of birth otherwise an error occurs.
  • Designation: In designation dropdown employee is allowed to select his role in the company.
Employee Login

List Icon:

This is second icon in employee tab. when employee select this option, he can see basic information (employee id, Name, Mobile, joining Date, designation) of only him.

Employee List


In this tab there are two options:

  1. Details
  2. List

This tab allows admin to enter new designation and its status. To do so he first goes to designation tab and then click on new button and enter the new designation name. When he clicks on active checkbox this new designation will appear in dropdown menu labeled as designation in employee tab.

Details Icon:

This option is by default selected when we enter in Designation. This option shows all the designations present in the employee leave system.

Designation Details

List Icon:

On selecting this option admin can see designation ID, name and current status of all the employees in the employee leave system.

Designation List

Login as an Employee:

Details Icon:

This option allows employee to see list of all designation types exits in company.

Designation Details

Employee is not allowed to enter new type of designation if he will try the following error occur.

Designation Details

List Icon:

On selecting this option employee can see list of all designation names their ids and their current status.

Designation List


This tab has also two options: Details Option and List option.

Detail option:

This option is by default selected when admin enter in the leave. In this option type of leaves exist in employee leave system are displayed. This option allow admin to enter new leave type and his duration and to do so he must click on new button. Every leave type has a specific count limit.

Leave Details

List option:

This is the second option in leave. In this option all type of leaves which are enter by admin are displayed.

Leave List

Login as an Employee:

Details Icon:

Details option is by default selected when employee enter in the leave column. he can see list of type of leaves exist in employee leave system

Designation Details

List Icon:

This is the second option in leave column. In this option all the details of leaves are displayed. Like show in below image.

Designation List


This tab has four options:

  1. Details
  2. List
  3. Report
  4. PDF

Detail option:

This option displays the list of all employees who have applied for leave. When admin select a particular employee from the list, he will be able to see all the basic details of leave submitted by the employee. Like application ID employee name and address leave type and count application date etc. Admin have a right to give a status for the specific leave from leave status filter dropdown. Leave status filter dropdown has three options approved, rejected and pending.

Application Details

List Option:

This option displays the list of leaves with their starting date ending date is half leave, leave count, leave status, application ID and name of leave applicant. If admin wants to see specific type leaves, he has to select the desire leave type from leave status filter dropdown menu. For example, let admin wants to see approved leaves then he has to select the approved leave type from leave status filter dropdown.

Application List

Report Option:

This option allows admin to generate report about a specific leave like pending, approved, rejected.

Application Report

PDF Option:

This option allows admin to create PDF file. The pdf file can be generated about the specific details admin wants to know about employee leaves.

Application PDF

Login as an Employee:

Detail option:

This option displays the list of all leaves that employee have applied.Employee can apply for new application by giving the require details.

Application Details

List Option:

This option displays the list of leaves with their starting date ending date is half leave, leave count, leave status, application ID and name of leave applicant. if employee wants to see specific type leaves, he has to select the desire leave type from leave status filter dropdown menu. For example, let employee wants to see approved leaves then he has to select the approved leave type from leave status filter dropdown.

Application List

Report Option:

This option allows employee to generate his report about a specific leave like pending, approved, rejected.

Application Report

PDF Option:

This option allows employee to create his PDF report.

Application PDF